The creation of a universal XML framework must begin with the Composite pattern. The Composite pattern, the representation of a part-whole hierarchy into a tree structure, is such a powerful model of the many objects that make up our world that it needs to be made into a framework of its own – a Composite framework that can be used to model many other things in addition to XML. As a universal framework, we want our composite pattern to the independent of XML or any other medium of communication. We are not simply solving a particular problem; we are going to convert the Composite pattern into true intellectual capital that can actually increase the value of an IT department.
The Composite pattern is worthy of the effort that goes into a universal framework. As a programming representation of a hierarchical tree structure it is the most fundamental configuration of data in information science. The fact that it is an isomorphic fit to the hierarchical structure that defines XML attests to the universal nature of its utility to the study of information in general.
In later posts to this blog, it will be shown how all of the information found in the financial data now produced by accountants can be expressed simply as a Composite tree that has the ability to easily produce and display the standard financial reports that are used to measure the components of our economy and has the power to vastly expand on the information provided in those reports.
Our framework design begins by defining the classes of objects that interact to support our Composite tree framework. Objects interact by offering each other a set of useful activities. One object calls on of another object’s activities in order to perform steps in the process that is the application program. The definition of each object is made up of the activities that it can perform for the asking or “calling” object. This definition is known as the object’s interface. A certain class of objects (i.e. a class of persons, accounts, departments, etc.) has a common interface that is shared by all of the objects of that class, allowing us to define a whole population of objects that behave similarly according to this common interface.
How many class interfaces need to be defined for the objects that make up our Composite framework and how complicated do their interfaces have to be? The answer is that there only needs to be one interface defined for this framework and that interfaces is a very simple one. Every object in the Composite tree is a node that points at its neighboring objects as is shown in the diagram above. Each node points at a single parent node higher than itself in the hierarchy and any number of child nodes that are immediately below in the hierarchy. To facilitate the program’s navigation throughout the Composite tree, each node has to provide access to these neighboring objects for the parts of the program that “call” its interface. Therefore, each object needs to provide the activities (or, in programming parlance, “methods”) that give access to its parent and children for a part of the program that “calls” it. Logically, we could name these activities as follows:
- getParentNode
- getChildrenNodes
This small simple interface essentially provides us with a Composite framework. The interface can be satisfied by defining classes of objects that all fulfill this interface, and, as we will show in following posts, we can generate a single class of objects that satisfies this interface universally by using the Adapter pattern.
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